INTUITIVE HEALING (remote session)
Because energy knows no boundaries, I am able to work with clients remotely, over the phone. In a remote healing session, I use the same Chinese medicine principles but I connect to your energy field from a distance. And, in place of acupuncture needles to help your body return to balance, I use essential oils on specific acupuncture points. In a remote healing session, information comes to me in a variety of ways. I receive a lot of information about you visually, in my mind’s eye. I can also feel in my body where the energy is stuck in your body. What’s ready for healing in you will be shown to me.
There is a saying in Chinese medicine, “99% of illness is rooted in the spirit”. In my clinical experience, I’ve often picked up on imbalances that show up first in the energy body before they are ever detectable in lab work or in the physical body. When energy gets stuck, the first place it gets stuck is in the emotions. For example, I have done healing sessions on several clients where I see a “hot spot” in the throat. Energy is stuck here. When I ask more questions, oftentimes these clients have thyroid issues. When I ask more questions, we discover that before the thyroid issues were diagnosed, these clients have spent YEARS not speaking up for themselves. Energy stagnates in a variety of ways. The power of Chinese medicine lies in addressing the root of the issue.
Your phone session with me includes a recording of our time together (you can opt into or out of this offering) and a customized protocol to use at home for the following 4-6 weeks (based on the principles of Chinese medicine).
How do remote intuitive healing sessions work?
Information about your body comes to me in a variety of ways. I receive a lot of information about you visually, in my mind’s eye. I can also feel in my body where the energy is stuck in your body. What’s ready for healing in you will be shown to me.
For example, sometimes we have contracts with others that have expired and need to be broken. Sometimes I can see a projection in your future, such as a major opportunity that will happen for you in three months time. And sometimes I can see you stuck in a self-destructive pattern that is preventing you from really feeling alive. I am able to feel if your boundaries need to be strengthened and if you are holding onto too much energy that is not yours to keep. I’ve even channeled loved ones who have passed on.
Once I’ve “downloaded” all the information that needs to come through, I put the puzzle pieces together and begin the treatment session. This is where we clear any stagnation or blockages of energy, nourish the areas of the body that don’t have enough energy and harmonize the entire system so that the treatment sticks.
I have found that using essential oils in place of acupuncture needles and herbs can be a really powerful way to move your energy. There are two ways this can happen. Although we are not physically in the same space, we are still connected energetically. This means I can apply the oils to acupuncture points and meridians on my body to move the energy in your body. I use my body as a blueprint of your body and it acts as a conduit for your healing. Or, if you have your own essential oil collection, I can also guide you through the application process in real time so you receive your own essential oil experience. Both treatment techniques are equally powerful, and I've had patients benefit tremendously from both methods.
How does “energy move” when I have acupuncture or experience a remote healing session?
There is a saying in Chinese medicine, “99% of illness is rooted in the spirit”. I interpret this to mean that ALL dis-ease begins with emotions because simply put, emotions are energy in motion. When emotions get stuck, your body’s energy gets stuck and this is the root to all illness.
Every single emotion has a specific energy vibration. Some, like shame and guilt are lower on this scale which means when you feel these emotions, you don’t feel great. Others, like love and joy, are much higher vibrationally which means when you feel these emotions, you feel pretty darn good.
When acupuncture points are stimulated, your body’s energetic blueprint gets a “call to action”.
How can essential oils be used in an acupuncture or remote healing session?
Just like each emotion has its own unique frequency, essential oils have their own individual energetic frequency too. This means you can use essential oils to encourage your own energy frequencies to shift from shame to acceptance; from fear to love; from anger to joy. When essential oils are applied to specific acupuncture points and zones on the body, they invite our energy to move out of staying “stuck in the same old story”. This means that any work you currently do to help you shift can be AMPLIFIED by adding in essential oils. Meditation + oils... Acupuncture + oils... Journaling + oils… All juicy recipes for changing the trajectory of your life path.
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