People hear “acupuncture” and the image in their mind is of a practitioner inserting needles into various body zones. In reality, acupuncture needles are just one of MANY tools in my “Chinese medicine toolkit”. I tailor each acupuncture session to the needs of my client and your personalized treatment may include one or several of the following modalities:
Acupuncture needles
Application of essential oils to acupuncture points
Gua sha
Fire Cupping
Electrical stimulation
Herbal therapy
Diet and lifestyle recommendations
Just like each emotion has its own unique frequency, essential oils have their own individual energetic frequency too. This means you can use essential oils to encourage your own energy frequencies to shift from shame to acceptance; from fear to love; from anger to joy. When essential oils are applied to specific acupuncture points and zones on the body, they invite our energy to move out of staying “stuck in the same old story”. This means that any work you currently do to help you shift can be AMPLIFIED by adding in essential oils. Meditation + oils... Acupuncture + oils... Journaling + oils… All juicy recipes for changing the trajectory of your life path.
I use a variety of modalities to listen to what your body needs in order to get back into alignment. “Health” happens when your body’s energy is in FLOW. The goal for your session is to help your body return to flow by moving energy that is stuck. When you are in energetic alignment, you will feel more vibrant, clear and confident. When you return to the natural rhythm of your body, you will trust yourself on a deep level. Your body knows what to do. My job is to partner with you and listen to what it has to say.
During your acupuncture session, I am tuning into your body, mind and spirit. I’m listening for things like: Is there too much energy stuck in one place? What parts of the body need more energy? How do we harmonize the whole treatment so you feel more vibrant and full of life force? I use information that you report, tongue and pulse diagnosis, and channel palpation to help me get clear about which energy channels and organs are most out of balance. Then, I go to work. Using a combination of Chinese medicine tools (acupuncture needles, cups, gua sha, electrical stimulation, essential oils, moxibustion), I assist your body in returning to flow in order to “quiet” your symptoms and help your body return to balance.
At the end of your first acupuncture session with me, you will walk away with a customized treatment plan that includes recommendations on treatment frequency, herbal and supplement ideas to support your healing, and lifestyle and dietary suggestions to continue your healing at home.
At this time, I am accepting new acupuncture clients only after we first speak on the phone. If you are ready to work with me, book your free 10-minute discovery call with me here. Or, you can schedule a full session below.
I have been seeing her off and on for six years for both fertility and pain, and no visit is the same. Jess is kind, gentle and always honest. She takes time to listen to what is going on with me (and it can be a lot!), and she tailors my treatment to not only what I tell her, but also by reading my physical body and my energy. Once on the table it's a relaxing experience that can include so many modalities depending on what I need: acupuncture of course, e-stim, cupping, essential oils, sound healing. Through the physical and energetic work we have been doing together, I feel like I have improved so much physically and emotionally over the years. She has helped me conceive one baby and we are working on the next! I always recommended Jess to my friends!
She is honestly part acupuncturist and part therapist. Jess takes the time to get at and understand the root cause of any issues I’m feeling before she combines the right blend of acupuncture, cupping, and essential oils to ease my pain. I always leave her office feeling relaxed and renewed! I can’t say enough good things about her.