Because energy knows no boundaries, I am able to work with clients remotely, over the phone. In a remote healing session, I use the same Chinese medicine principles but I connect to your energy field from a distance. And, in place of acupuncture needles to help your body return to balance, I use essential oils on specific acupuncture points. In a remote healing session, information comes to me in a variety of ways. I receive a lot of information about you visually, in my mind’s eye. I can also feel in my body where the energy is stuck in your body. What’s ready for healing in you will be shown to me.
There is a saying in Chinese medicine, “99% of illness is rooted in the spirit”. In my clinical experience, I’ve often picked up on imbalances that show up first in the energy body before they are ever detectable in lab work or in the physical body. When energy gets stuck, the first place it gets stuck is in the emotions. For example, I have done healing sessions on several clients where I see a “hot spot” in the throat. Energy is stuck here. When I ask more questions, oftentimes these clients have thyroid issues. When I ask more questions, we discover that before the thyroid issues were diagnosed, these clients have spent YEARS not speaking up for themselves. Energy stagnates in a variety of ways. The power of Chinese medicine lies in addressing the root of the issue.
Once I’ve “downloaded” all the information that needs to come through, I put the puzzle pieces together and begin the treatment session. This is where we clear any stagnation or blockages of energy, nourish the areas of the body that don’t have enough energy and harmonize the entire system so that the treatment sticks.
I have found that using essential oils in place of acupuncture needles and herbs can be a really powerful way to move your energy. There are two ways this can happen. Although we are not physically in the same space, we are still connected energetically. This means I can apply the oils to acupuncture points and meridians on my body to move the energy in your body. I use my body as a blueprint of your body and it acts as a conduit for your healing. Or, if you have your own essential oil collection, I can also guide you through the application process in live time so you receive your own essential oil experience. Both treatment techniques are equally powerful, and I've had patients benefit tremendously from both methods.
At the end of your session, you will walk away with:
A recording of our time together
A customized protocol for the next 4-6 weeks (using the pillars of Chinese medicine as a framework to help you take care of yourself)
“ The work Jessica does is healing, guiding, affirming, loving, and inspiring.” A.E.
I had no idea what to expect when I had my magical and impactful session with Jess. I’m 100% a believer in remote energy work but I felt that Jess had a strong and clear connection with me throughout. She is the real deal. My reading with Jess was MIND BLOWING and accurate. I honestly can’t stop telling everyone I know about my experience. The work Jessica does is healing, guiding, affirming, loving, and inspiring.
“Simply put, Jess is brilliant.” - C.L.
I’ve just finished my third virtual session with Jess and I am buzzing. While I’m 3,000 miles away from her, I feel as though she was right next to me. After having worked with Jess for a year when I still lived in Denver, I was skeptical that a phone session could produce the same results and connection as an in-person session. My experience has so far exceeded my expectations (although, of course, I miss seeing her warm smile). From her simple observations to epiphany-like revelations, her intuition and guidance is unparalleled. Simply put, Jess is brilliant. Her integration of acupuncture, essential oils, and energy work so beautifully align for my health needs – on so many levels. I feel settled, energized, and ignited.